ICARE Congress Paris 2015 (18th Apr 2015 – 23rd Apr 2015)
26 Mar 2025

Our laboratory consultant Dr Mohammed Ali presented research completed by himself, Dr Ikdam and Dr Faisal at the International Conference on Avian heRpetological and Exotic mammal medicine

The International Conference on Avian heRpetological and Exotic mammal medicine (ICARE) is a conference organized under the umbrella of the four associations of exotic veterinary medicine: ECZM AEMV, EAAV and ARAV.

As in 2013, the scientific program, planned by 4 reviewing committees (one per association), will hopefully be at the height of your expectations. The week-end of the 18-19th of April was dedicated to master classes, workshops and conferences of Wildlife Population health at the National Veterinary School of Alfort (close to Paris). The general program was held between the 20th and 23rd of April at the Conference Center of the Parc de la Villette in the heart of Paris.

Research that was completed by examining falcons that were seen at SWFH by Dr Ikdam, Dr Mohammed Ali and Dr Faisal was presented at the ICARE congress 2015 by Dr Mohammed Ali titled ‘Radiographic evaluation of the sizes of internal organs in falcons’. The research focused on examining the difference in size between various internal organs between the different falcon species.